Monday, March 9, 2009

Signs of Spring

I love watching how people react to those first signs of spring. The first warm day or two, the first robin sighting, spring bulbs coming through the newly warmed earth's surface... all of these things happen every year. We know they're coming, they're not a surprise. And yet they are a gift and we have a tendency to receive them as such.

People in general are just happier to see the sun shining and to see winter coming to a close. Ironically, people have the same reaction in the fall when the air starts to smell different and the leaves start to change color and they start to need a sweater to handle the new crispness in the air.

Yep, spring and fall are certainly the most celebrated and anticipated seasons. Winter is long and cold. Summer is long and hot. Spring and fall are short, and sweet, and beautiful with their promise of change.

Spring is particularly beautiful with its promises of renewal. Every major religion celebrates some sort of rite of spring. Pagans celebrate rites of spring. It is really quite universal - this need to acknowledge this season of hope and rebirth; based more, it seems, on our very humanness than on the faith into which we were or weren't raised.

So welcome, spring! I look forward to warmer, sweeter days with people who are feeling warmer, kinder and sweeter.

Bring it on!

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