Tuesday, June 2, 2009

What Would Luke Skywalker Do?

I got to go camping two weekends in a row, am I a lucky owl or what?

This time I was hootin' it up with the Bad Moms Club.

I was reunited with my valentine, the gnome.

I got to wear my own club shirt.

The Captain joined The Don for party time. The little gnome is cute, I guess, but he's not my gnomie...

I met some new friends - camping friends that live in Wendy's camper. There's little gnome again, and the hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil monkeys. You might recognize the guy right next to me.

One of our fellow campers, however, did not.

She said, upon discovering all of Wendy's little camping friends, "I see a little gnome, and some monkeys, but who's the Star Wars guy?"

Um? Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who died on the cross to save us from our sins? That Star Wars guy?

The funniest part was that the woman who said it is arguably the most religious of them and inarguably the most church-going of them. Didn't recognize him out of context, I guess.

That could pretty easily lead me into a whole diatribe about the huge gap between spirituality and church, but I'm gonna let it drop. 'Cause there's probably a huge gap between spirituality and Jesus action figures, too. And I need to rest up for my next vacation.

1 comment:

Sandy said...

I'm not so sure calling JC the Star Wars guy is all that bad....assuming one knew what one was saying!